Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Truth Be Told?

I had a conversation on a friend’s Facebook page that ended with the main person I was engaged with stating: “You believe in what you believe (and post) and so do I... Have good day.” [sic]

That statement is emblematic of where our society has devolved to—it is as stark an example of the 2nd law of thermo dynamics at work sociologically as you are likely to find. Every system not isolated will tend towards disorder—there is no more powerful agent of disorder in a society than a disregard for objective truth.

If what you believe disagrees with the truth, you are simply wrong. Two people can believe something and both be in error, the two having missed the truth, but they can never both be right.

People today are more concerned with being right, or at least being perceived as right, than with objective truth or even the very idea of right and wrong. How does one determine what is right or wrong absent demonstrable truth? It seems to me, right and wrong is of little value in modern America, having given way to what works.

Have you ever read an actual historical account, or seen a film set in the past depicting an instance where a fellow is accused of lying and is willing to fight a duel to the death against his accuser to uphold his honor? That is how great a value the truth held in the past.

Today, most people would think a person mad if he were willing to risk his life to prove he was honest. That’s because ethics today are no longer tied to truth but rather situations. Contemporaneously the subjective has supplanted the objective.

For multitudes in modern America, even the God revealed in the Holy Bible is limited to the reader's opinion—This is why people so often say things like: “That is your interpretation of Scripture, not mine.” The idea the Holy Bible actually means what it says is horrifying to a person more interested in his idea of what a god ought to be, rather than who the Holy God of Revelation says He is, let alone what He reveals about His character and nature.

Man left to his druthers, prefers a god reconciled to his values, his idea of justice, as opposed to reconciling himself to God. No room for an immutable, inflexible God telling you what is good or bad.

I have often said it takes a great deal more faith than I can muster to believe in a god of my own imagining instead of the God who says “I am the way, and the truth and the life...” Today, even God must agree with fashion or He is disregarded, no room for Biblical statements like:

“Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever.” Psalm 119:160

The end justifies the means—if you get the desired result, does it matter if what you desire is right or wrong? If you believe your intention is noble does it make it so?

Can you be a nation of laws without a healthy respect for the truth? Lawlessness was ever the handmaiden of disorder. In answer to a question, I told a person Adam and Eve in the simplest of terms were cast out of Eden, the perfect paradise God prepared for man, because they broke the rules.

The fellow derisively laughed and flippantly responded: “There are rules in paradise?” I freely confess I was stunned into an awkward silence by this educated man’s shallowness. I couldn’t believe anyone with a brain could think perfection capable of existing apart from order—order is a self-evident result of rules.

It takes discipline to submit to the truth, this is why it is so unpopular a concept. Truth takes judgment, judgment means responsibility for the truth and to the Giver of truth and who wants that? Clearly not the current President of the United States and his administration, Mr. Obama seldom allows the proverbial buck to stop anywhere in his vicinity.

George W. Bush did things I did not like and made his share of errors, but he never ran from them. He dubbed himself the Decider-In-Chief” and stood by his decisions and took responsibility for what occurred on his watch. President Obama? Not so much.

Be it, Solyndra, Fast and Furious, the IRS, the NSA, Benghazi, the VA or the chaos building in our border states stemming from him and his Justice Department deciding which laws they will or will not enforce guided by self-interest and politics.

We have children in droves pouring over our borders from Latin America because they are being told America is no longer interested in discouraging lawlessness when it comes to immigration. The left pretends to care for the poor even as they act to increase the number of poor people in America and by doing so they are increasing the pressure on the poor already here.

The poor are the left’s bread and butter, the more poverty they can create through their calculated Hagelian chaos the better. The left’s energy strategy, economic and immigration schemes are designed to keep the poor, in need.

Increasing the pressure on energy producing entities has no effect on the rich like Al Gore, or Barack Obama when they result in rising costs—it is the poor who struggle to find the extra money they need to heat their homes and drive their cars.

If the left manages to increase the minimum wage, it will just be used to offset the rising costs associated with the President’s war on traditional energy. Racial identity and class warfare remain the tools the left uses to maintain power, loving the poor in word only. Yet those who are motivated to support the left politically seem to miss the truth, the irrefutable fact misery is increasing with the amount of governmental largesse the left heaps on them from on high.

I am reminded of the words of the Lord’s Apostle when he said: “My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.” 1 John 3:18

Truth, that unblinking, cold judge so easily ignored when discipline gives way to selfish immediacy, pride and lust in all the ways lust manifests. This is the reason modern America is shackled to chaos in government and Americans themselves are yoked to discord—no more common truth.

Truth cannot be common when truth is now subjective, driven by a refusal to accept moral absolutes. Why should the President keep the laws he himself signs? Why not act unilaterally and trade five terrorists for one soldier of dubious distinction? Keeps the folks from asking about veterans dying while waiting 90 days to see a doctor.

That is how the unseen hand works it’s magic. I’ll stick with Revelation and the God, revealed therein, I recommend you do the same! It may not be politically correct, but it has the virtue of being true.

“…If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Matthew 8:31,32

Digital Publius