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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Ain't Enough Red Pills

It is time to pray. I am by nature an optimist, more amenable to the half full side of things than the alternative. However, it has also been my endeavor to add a measure of pragmatism to the glass—Truth beats pie in the sky everyday of the week and twice on Sundays. The United States of America is in trouble.

“If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.” John 15:18

If you are a Holy Bible believing Christian, I don’t mean a churchgoer, there’s scads of churchgoers. I mean people who not only believe in God, but actually believe Him. The sort of faith you find compelling enough to speak out when you clearly see things contrary to the teachings of the God revealed in the Holy Bible—You are a walking, talking red pill and know this, the overwhelming majority you find yourself in the midst of daily, prefer blue.

“And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.” Matthew 10:22

If you are a churchgoer, and you find yourself in ready agreement with what you see in the media, abortion is about women’s rights, Billy Porter looks good in a dress, some races are more virtuous than others, you feel you must apologize for your ethnicity, Lil Nas X can be a “Birthing Person… If you find yourself nodding your head in agreement with 99% of modern American news… You are right where the enemy of all mankind wants you.

“For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.” II Timothy 4:3,4

In an article I wrote several years ago I posited: “In a society as powerful and throughout most of our history, incredibly prosperous like the United States, socialism cannot rely on the old ways. The old ways work well in underdeveloped nations, but in the West, a softer revolution was in order.”

I was partially right—We have in fact undergone a softer revolution, it just wasn’t socialist in nature—it was fascist. Consider the words of Giovanni Gentile, the philosophical father of fascism—As Adam Smith to capitalism, Marx and Engels are to socialism/communism, Gentile is likewise to fascism.

“The Fascist, on the other hand, conceives philosophy as a philosophy of practice (”praxis”). That concept was the product of certain Marxist and Sorellian inspirations (many Fascists and the Duce, himself, received their first intellectual education in the school of Marx and Sorel)—as well as the influence of contemporary Italian idealistic doctrines from which Fascist mentality drew substance and achieved maturity.“ *

The founders of fascism were all committed socialists who were bitterly disappointed when the workers failed to unite against capitalist oppressors during the First World War but instead fought with their individual nations against each other—putting their national identity ahead of their economic philosophy. German socialists fought with Germany, Italian with Italian, British with British… So nationalism was introduced to the wider socialist theory and fascism was born. Hence for example, National Socialist German Workers,’ or NAZI Party. In fact, if you find “Workers” in the title, it’s a safe bet there’s socialism somewhere in the mix.

“The authority of the State was not a product, but a presupposition. It could not depend on the people, in fact, the people depended on the State… The Fascist state, on the other hand, is a popular state, and, in that sense, a democratic State par excellence… Every citizen shares a relationship with the State and is so intimate that the State exists only in so far as it is made to exist by the citizen.“ — Giovanni Gentile **

“How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.” Jude 1:18

The United States Preamble begins with “We the People…” Not we the State and this was our strength for much of our national history. It is the reason we have been so indomitable as a people—It was therefore the most important thing for the fascist left to undermine. It is the reason the Democrat Party strives to control every aspect of American life.

The media, academia, technology, entertainment and now all three branches of government work tirelessly to make government the center of our society. Never in our history has individual liberty been under so constant an attack—The Pandemic is the greatest tool to ever enter the left’s kit box to meet their Hegelian dreams.

Add to the Pandemic, a heaping helping of anti-American sentiment, carefully cultivated now for generations in our schools and media and the United States is just about finished. I’m a fan of Longfellow—In works like his novel “Kavanagh,” you find words describing the feeling America used to inspire:

“We want a national literature commensurate with our mountains and rivers ... We want a national epic that shall correspond to the size of the country ... We want a national drama in which scope shall be given to our gigantic ideas and to the unparalleled activity of our people ... In a word, we want a national literature altogether shaggy and unshorn, that shall shake the earth, like a herd of buffaloes thundering over the prairies”

We seem now more interested in emphasizing the depraved in our works of art. There is much more cache in hating America than praising it nowadays. The fascists of old played up nationalism—Today in America they mock it—The fascists of old kickstarted the Hegelian dialectic by unleashing the Brownshirts in Germany and the Black Shirts in Italy—Thugs controlled invisibly by agents of the state to sow chaos so the benevolent state can then step in and restore order—Thesis, antithesis, synthesis.

In modern America these thugs are called Anti-Fascist, or AntiFa and from a more political perspective, BLM. AntiFa is fitting when one apprehends the anti part is in fact anti national American pride. In every other way it is classical fascism. The Brownshirts had their “Kristallnacht,” AntiFa had their “Summer of Love.” The contemporary fascists have discovered supplanting nationalism with statism eliminates the middle man. 

The Democrat Party for example cares nothing about our nation—This is made manifest by their disinterest in maintaining our sovereign borders. Not to mention the wanton abandonment of our citizens and allies to the tender care of the Taliban. What could more perfectly Illustrate their disdain for you and me? Beyond our devotion to them, we have no further value.

The problem is the Democrats/Leftists know who their true spiritual and philosophical fathers are and most of us don’t—they study and implement their ideas; While providing academic cover, teaching only hatred for America, capitalism and Western Civilization—They have literally made generations believe Fascism is a right wing ideology even though NAZI has socialism right in the name and its origins are as left as you can get. The earliest enthusiasts for the theory in the United States where themselves “Progressives like F.D.R. and W.E.B. DuBois… More from Gentile:

„Of which liberalism does one wish to speak? I distinguish two principal forms of liberalism. For one…liberty is a right; for the other a duty. For one it is a gift; for the other a conquest… One liberalism conceives liberty rooted in the individual, and therefore opposes the individual to the State, a State understood as possessing no intrinsic value—but exclusively serving the well being and the improvement of the individual. The State is seen as a means, not an end. It limits itself to the maintenance of public order, excluding itself from the entirety of spiritual life—which, therefore, remains exclusively a sphere restricted to the individual conscience. That liberalism, historically, is classical liberalism—of English manufacture.

Classical Liberalism is conservative, it is right wing, Gentile and the fascist reject conservatism out of hand while perfectly defining it. He continues:

 It is, we must recognize, a false liberalism, containing only half the truth. It was opposed among us by Mazzini with a criticism, that I maintain, is immortal. But there is another liberalism, that matured in Italian and German thought, that holds entirely absurd this view of the antagonism between the State and the individual.“ ***

I don’t know a single conservative who would agree with that. It does nevertheless describe the transformation of the term liberal. More over, I don’t see how a Christian could align themselves with such ideas—Yet when you elect men like Joe Biden and find yourself more often than not, agreeing with CNN and MSNBC you already bow to the State.

“And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.” I John 5:19

“If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” John 15:19

The modern day American fascist assures you daily through the likes of Don Lemon, Howard Stern, Joy Reid, Anthony Fauci, Jen Psaki… opposing the collective will of the State via vaccine mandates, travel restrictions, or straying from any of the left’s brand of orthodoxy, be it Pro Choice, open boarders, or an infinite regress of gender possibilities, you are to be shunned, vilified, demeaned… 

This is what the State demands, this is what the world demands. Unquestioned compliance or you are the problem. Are you thinking for yourself, or is the world thinking for you. Are you among the many? 

It’s time to pray! Not for a nation I fear too far gone, but for each other to see the truth and come out from among them. Be in the world, but not of the world—We do not want to share in the condemnation so surely to come.

“For many are called, but few are chosen.” Matthew 22:14

Digital Publius

* “The Philosophy of Fascism,” first published in English in the Spectator, November 1928, pp. 36-37. 

** Orgini e dottrina del fascismo, Rome: Libreria del Littorio, (1929). Origins and Doctrine of Fascism, A. James Gregor, translator and editor, Transaction Publishers (2003) p. 28

*** Che cosa è il fascismo: Discorsi e polemiche (“What is Fascism?”), Florence: Vallecchi, (1925) pp. 42-45, 47-48, 49-51, 56,Origins and Doctrine of Fascism, A. James Gregor, translator and editor, Transaction Publishers, 2003, p. 63